Critical Infrastructure Security

Critical infrastructure solutions encompass a range of advanced technologies, protocols, and strategies designed to protect essential systems and assets from both cyber and physical threats.

Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure sectors, such as energy, transportation, and communication, face a multitude of cyber threats that can have severe consequences on public safety, economic stability, and national security. These threats include sophisticated attacks aimed at disrupting or disabling critical systems, stealing sensitive data, or gaining unauthorized access to critical infrastructure networks.
To combat these threats, robust cyber security solutions are essential, including strong access controls and encryption protocols, among others. These solutions aim to safeguard critical infrastructure assets, enhance resilience, and ensure the continuous operation of essential services in the face of evolving cyber threats.
Solution by industry

Critical Infrastructure Authentication Use Cases

Involves implementing strong authentication solutions to ensure secure access control, protect critical systems and data, and mitigate the risks of unauthorized access or malicious activities within the infrastructure sectors.

Access Control

Authentication solutions are used to enforce strict access control policies, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access critical infrastructure components, systems, and sensitive areas, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or tampering.

Remote/Converged Access

Authentication is crucial for secure remote access to critical infrastructure systems, allowing authorized personnel to connect and manage infrastructure components from both physical and remote locations while maintaining strong authentication measures to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches.

Privileged Account Management

Authentication plays a vital role in managing and securing privileged accounts within critical infrastructure, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access and perform critical operations, reducing the risk of insider threats or unauthorized privilege escalation.

Cyber Security Threats in Critical Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure companies face a wide range of cyber threats that target their systems and networks, potentially leading to disruption of essential services, data breaches, physical damage, and compromise of public safety.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

Critical infrastructure faces the risk of sophisticated and persistent cyber attacks from threat actors aiming to gain unauthorized access, disrupt operations, or steal sensitive data.

Insider Threats

The presence of malicious insiders or unintentional employee actions poses a significant risk to critical infrastructure, as they may exploit their privileged access to compromise systems or leak sensitive information.

Zero-Day Exploits

Critical infrastructure systems may be vulnerable to previously unknown vulnerabilities (zero-day exploits) that threat actors can leverage to gain unauthorized access, disrupt operations, or cause widespread damage.
Solution by industry

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Critical Infrastructure Cyber Security Benefits

Enhanced Resilience

Implementing robust cyber security measures in critical infrastructure enhances its resilience against cyber attacks, reducing the likelihood of successful disruptions and minimizing the impact of potential incidents.

Mitigation of Financial Losses

Effective cyber security in critical infrastructure helps prevent financial losses associated with cyber attacks, including remediation costs, operational downtime, regulatory penalties, and reputational damage.

Protection of Sensitive Information

Cyber security measures ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data stored and transmitted within critical infrastructure systems, safeguarding critical information such as user records, financial data, and operational details.

Protection of Essential Services

By safeguarding critical infrastructure systems, cyber security measures ensure the continuous availability and reliability of essential services, such as power, water supply, transportation, and communication networks, which are vital for the functioning of society.

Safeguarding Public Safety

Robust cyber security measures in critical infrastructure help protect public safety by preventing disruptions that could lead to accidents, emergencies, or compromised emergency response systems.

Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

Implementing cyber security measures helps critical infrastructure companies meet regulatory requirements and standards, ensuring adherence to industry-specific guidelines and frameworks designed to protect infrastructure and sensitive information.

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Questions? Contact Sales

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2580 N First St. Suite 130, San Jose, CA 95131

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